Welcome to the Laurel Highlands!!!
We here at Donegal Campground pride ourselves with continued
improvement and traveler satisfaction. Come explore our campground
and you will see there is a lot of fun to be had!
We are located in an ideal location, close to Seven Springs and Hidden
Valley Mountain resorts, Idlewild Park, Ohiopyle, Caddie Shak and more!
We have a lot to offer, and you're always welcome here. Check out the
rest of our website or give us a call for more information! Hope to see
you soon!
Donegal Campground ®
106 Yeckel Drive Donegal, PA 15628
Open Daily April 1st through
October 31st.
9AM - 9PM
Call: 724-953-1840
Campground is closed from November 1st through March 31st.